LinkedIn has become a great professional networking platform for not only those who are in employment, but also those who wish to find their next job. It can be challenging building up your LinkedIn profile from scratch, but this blog is aimed to give you tips on how you can build up your profile!
This tip may only apply to those who are currently working, however it doesn't have to be for those currently employed. You may have left your role or moved onto another position, however that doesn't have to be the end of the relationship between yourself and former colleagues; you may need some assistance or you may cross paths in the future. It's always good to keep that relationship. Whilst working with your colleagues, you can share work they have done and vice versa to create brand awareness for your company. This builds a stronger platform for all the employees in the company.
Building your network could also go under this title. You may be working in a certain industry (or aiming to) and you may want to connect with others who work in the same industry. They may be influencers, heads of, executives or directors. It may give you a better insight as to what is going on in that particular industry.
Your LinkedIn profile represents you, so it is important that you sell yourself the best way you can. It like decorating your house, you want to show your guests all of your lovely family photos and decorations. Your achievements are what could potentially see you stand out depending on what they are so it is important you take advantage of it. There will be a section in your profile where you can list either academic or personal achievements; it is bound to grab the attention of employers who view your profile.
This may seem like an obvious one, but it is important that you add all of your relevant work experience, even short term placements and voluntary work. You may not think voluntary work is relevant, however the skills that you pick up during your experience could be seen as impressive and valuable by a potential employee. It is important to give a clear and brief description of your job duties for each role, as well as any additional information that is necessary.
Endorsing skills and being endorsed on LinkedIn is when one of your connections looks at your profile and endorses you for one of your skill sets. For example, that skillset may be copywriting. Once you have been endorse or have been endorsed, it can be seen as a quick way for your connections to publicly verify that they have the same skill set that you have. It will also make it easier for employers to search based on certain skills. So if they were looking for someone who is a digital marketer, they can search "Digital Marketing" and you will appear in the search results.
It is important to share your work. Your profile may not always be viewed in the first instance, so it's vital you draw people in and make them want to find out more about you. Your work could also be seen as an audition, so be sure to publish work you are most proud of. There is also a 'media' section on your profile where you can add documents that you may have created.