Domino’s are investing in digital acceleration

Domino’s pizza have outlined their plans to increase their marketing spend, in a bid to boost its digital acceleration over the next few years. 

Just like their competitors, Domino’s Pizza switched their focus to their digital channels over the last two years, launching their new app and providing their customers with a whole new experience. Post-launch and the success of the app, the company says they are now a “truly digital-first business” – seeing 92.1% of sales made through their digital channels. The app accounted for almost half (42%) of system sales. 

Following the success of their digital channels, Domino’s have committed to investing £20 million into digital acceleration over the next few years. 

Collaboration is key to future plans for Dominos, as they have announced establishing key relationships with other franchises. These relationships will allow them to support new national campaigns and promotions. 

Domino’s CEO Dominic Paul says the collaboration will allow the company to embrace “a new era of collaboration, with the system working together more closely than ever before”.