How to progress in your Digital Marketing career

As the end of a year draws close, the end of the year in the marketing world is certain to look different from how it did at the beginning of the year. Expert predictions have been exceeded and trends have taken shape –  the industry is constantly moving – an exciting time for sure.  

One of the biggest challenges marketers face is keeping up with trends and the constantly moving world of digital marketing. However, in order to succeed in this challenging yet exciting industry, staying ahead of these trends is very important. Staying up to date with trends is only one of the ways in which you can see progress in your career. 

As employers look for versatile talent who can showcase their skills in different areas, understanding how to appeal to potential employers whilst being of value to current team members is essential during the duration of your career. But how can this be achieved? Here are a few tips:  

Upskill yourself to the max 

Upskilling will and should be a continuous activity throughout your digital marketing career. The industry is moving at a fast pace, with new innovations; and employers are on the lookout for professionals with an up-to-date skillset. This doesn’t just include your hard skills, but soft skills are becoming increasingly important in digital marketing positions. 

Identify what you are doing best at the moment, your strengths, and what you can do to get better and evolve. If you’re looking for a promotion from Executive to Manager, be the best possible executive you can be right now. If you’re aiming for promotion up to the Director level, be the best manager you can be. It may require extra sacrifice to learn more skills, but the end result will be worth it. 

Build your own brand 

Whilst branding is important in marketing a business, it can also apply to you as an individual. In a bid to market your capabilities and talents to not only your peers but your network, developing a personal brand will enhance your profile. Typically, one of the most effective methods of personal branding is a portfolio. How should people feel when they look at your profile? What knowledge can you share? How do I want to be received by others? 

Demonstrate your leadership skills 

Your ability to lead in a marketing position is very important for your development. It’s not just leading vocally, but also by your actions. Are you proactive in putting ideas forward? Do you take responsibility for your decision-making? This can also be applied to your own career. Throughout your career, you will be guided by mentors and co-workers, but whether you accelerate and achieve success will ultimately come down to you. 

Specialise your toolkit 

In an increasingly competitive talent pool, in order to stand out from the rest of the pack, specialising your toolkit will give you an edge; whether it’s content, social media, Email, or Web Development. As a marketing professional, you can utilise these skills in-house or externally by providing a service to potential clients. Having a broad arsenal of skills is highly beneficial, however, specialism in certain areas could lead to contract opportunities. 

Stay on top of industry trends 

Staying on top of industry trends ensures that you are up to date with the latest ongoings in the market. As a result of the fast-moving nature of the industry, there are always new trends being introduced or evolving; and understanding how these trends and software can aid your business will give you a competitive edge over the competition. 

There are various ways in which you can evolve in your digital marketing career; whether that be from a technical or character-building standpoint. It’s important to keep in mind that developing and becoming a leading marketer, requires a long-term investment. Your desire to carry on learning and developing your skills will bring huge results in the long run.