Revolut - The Digital Banking Alternative

We now live in a society where all of our finances are kept on an online account. The rise of online banking has helped us to feel confident with accessing our finances from anywhere at anytime. Revolut, the London alternative banking software that launched in the summer of 2015, allows people to manage and use money aroud the world. They do this by removing the hidden fees as well as offering interbank currency rates. 

Revolut includes pre-paid debit/credit cards, crypto currency such as Bitcoin, currency exchange as well as peer to peer payments. Revolut currently does not charge fees for the majority of the servcies they provide and Revolut application gives users instant access to cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin by exchanging to or from 25 flat currencies. One thing for users to bear in mind is that once the currencies will remain in the application and they cannot be then moved to another cryptocurrency wallet. 

Revolut supports spending and ATM withdrawals in 120 currencies and sending 26 currencies directly from the mobile application. What do you think? Not bad,right? With Cryptocurreny on the rise, Revolut is certainly an application which you could benefit from. 

Check out Revolut