Roli: The Tech Start-Up Leading The Way For Music

ROLI is a tech and design led music startup that launched in 2009 by American born musician, designer and entrepreneur Roland Lamb. They are an innovative company that create and design new music-making devices for the digital age.  Some of their famous creations to date include hardware such as Seaboard and BLOCKS as well as software such as NOISE and Equator. They are leading the wave of digital transformation in music and allowing creators and musicians alike to be more creative and collaborative. In a world where digital culture dominates our lives, ROLI offers their users the products and ability to integrate tech focused music into their lives.

The award winning startup aim to redefine the role of digital technologies in music creation and have design in the forefront of their creative ideas. From size to colour, the visual appeal and portability is just as important to ROLI as they understand their consumers’ needs and wants. Usability is another big focus for ROLI and creating instruments and hardware with continuous, touch-responsive surfaces.

ROLI are still making waves in the world of music technology, and continue to make headlines with their recent acquisition of well-known musician Pharrell Williams as Chief Creative Officer. Founder Roland Lamb commented “Pharrell’s role as Chief Creative Officer is not about meeting in person every day. It’s about having a lot of little collaboration points on a regular basis and riffing on a wide range of subjects. Pharrell has such a strong creative vision, our dialogue will really help guide the development of ROLI’s products.”