Advances in technology have been of great help to disabled communities. In many areas of life, technology truly makes an enormous difference and being connected to others going through the same makes life easier.
Social media has the power to connect people who truly relate to and understand one another. Good and bad experiences can be shared and a positive, supportive community is there to listen. If someone just wants to vent about a bad day or experience, they can. It is much easier to find people with the same disability over the internet than in person, especially those with rare disorders.
There is an ever-growing number of disability success stories from disabled consumers who have contacted venues and brands about accessibility and products. It is in the interest of the business to listen to all their customers and many have implemented changes that have been suggested. It also gives a place to show a united voice for rights or issues such as employment that will be better heard by politicians.
With social media, a bit of creative thinking can result in really being heard. The ability to go viral can change perceptions. Think about the success of the ice bucket challenge in summer 2016. Not many people had heard of ALS before that came along.
Those with disabilities can also prove that they have fun and enjoy their lives contrary to what some presume.
Institutions and charities dealing with some conditions will be the first to share any progress on their websites and social media channels.
Newer tools such as tablets allow people who are very restricted in other ways to have social media profiles and blogging platforms to share their experience of the world. Tablets open the door for communication, therapies and education.
Apps exist to increase the volume for the partially deaf and there are apps to speak, for those with a myriad of communication problems. Previously, speech technology was very expensive and a tablet is a much cheaper investment.
Creative users of such technology and app designers have found many ways to help people like teachers and occupational therapists to be of assistance for those with learning disabilities and cognitive problems, as well as physical issues. A screen to tap is easier than a mouse to click.
There is also plenty of technology to keep the elderly or those with Alzheimer’s in their own homes. For example, there are phones with images of family members on large buttons, pre-programmed to dial them automatically when the photo is pressed. You will also find smart homes that let carers know by a notification if something is amiss. Little things make a huge difference to maintaining independence.
New technology is constantly being developed to help the disabled with every aspect of their lives that would have been a struggle before. The whole community is happier and more empowered and feels listened to.