Transformify is a start-up company that was first established in the mid 2000's, in the heart of bulgaria by founder and CEO Lilia Stoyanov. Now operate in London, in their Regent Square Office .
They Specialise in CSR recuritment, using the platfrom they have bulit up to help local and nationwide businesses to access global talent. Additonally ,Transformify use their conntections to acess new markets, finding the brightest and best clients that can be used in different industries.
To find potential freelancers , independent contactactors and employees looking for a new jobs, Transformaility have an online recuritment software that is used to scope for new talented future employees. It was created as a extra help to find job seekers. Specfic criteras are set into the system to help with the pooling of candidates such as skills, salary expectations and locations.
Due to the size of transformify's online software platfrom they have been able to seek potential employees from 150 countries. This has resulted in the company being able to find high quality employees from all over the world from the click of a button.
The private limited company have be able to source employees through the use of a software and bulding up relationships which has brought success to the company is this the start of compainies following the blueprint of transformaility?
Check out Transformify