Young employees prefer to work for sustainable companies

Sustainability has emerged as an ecommerce trend which is set to change the industry in 2022 and beyond. Whilst there have been discussions on the current condition of the environment, and what we can do to help, brands are doing what they can to appeal to consumers who want to change sustainability for the better. 

As well as consumer choices, young employees seem to prefer working for sustainable companies, according to a survey conducted by digital product studio, PLAY, asking employees of Gen Z about their views on sustainability initiatives in business. 

Whilst location, salary and work culture remain important deal-breakers for employees considering a new role, sustainability has moved up in the ranking also as an important factor. 

The report revealed that two-thirds of employees feel it is important for the company they work for to be committed to acting sustainably. Nearly half of employees surveyed want businesses to take steps to be more sustainable. 

The same report revealed more than half of employees say they would be more likely to work for a company that provides resources and tools for them to become more sustainable.

4 out of 5 of business leaders say their organisation should support employees in making sustainable decisions, and many feel workers should be rewarded for acting sustainably. 

One of the major benefits businesses can gain from being sustainable is the ability to comply with ever-changing regulations to protect the environment in a timely manner. Cost and waste reduction is also a benefit. 

CEO of PLAY, Marcus Thornley, said: “Businesses need to create clear, transparent sustainability goals and initiatives to be accountable to, but must also be looking at how they can help staff act more sustainably in their own lives and possibly even reward them for that.”

When it comes to the initiatives that business can take to increase employee awareness regarding sustainability, Marcus Thornley believes behavioural design tools can be a great benefit. 

“implementing behavioural design tools that use game approaches can help employers incentivise habit changes, measure success over time, and help to make a tangible impact.”